The GOP’s Problem Isn’t Trump

It’s Trump voters.

Maybe if more Republicans went into higher ed, they’d have realized earlier, by closely reading the signs of his combustible misogyny, that Trump’s campaign would explode at the last minute, pulling them down with him. I’d like to warm my hands at the still-hot ashen rubble, but we still have those voters. That basket. Over there.

Meanwhile, my post-Bernie friends are blaming the 2-party system for our civic ills. Hubba-waaaa? If we had a third party, say, a Flaming Shitbag Rubble of Civil Society party, then that basket would constitute something close to a plurality of Americans. And I’m the big-nosed, dark-curly-haired, neurotic middle aged lady at the bar screaming “Nazis White nationalists!! If we had a viable third party we’d elect Nazis White nationalists!!!! They’d be IN OUR GOVERNMENT”

In the sober morning light I acknowledge they’ve already gerrymandered themselves into our government. But it’s local government. And before Donald Duck legitimated celebrated hateful rhetoric, these elected officials respectfully coded their political beliefs in constructions like “reverse racism” and “property values” and “school choice” and “flat tax” and “family values” and yeah, it’s not buried all that deep.

Now the endpoint of gerrymandering, Trump, may yet engender the downfall of the party that orchestrated gerrymandering.

Am I allowed to delight in this potential irony as a small light pinpricked through what is otherwise a dark, dark time?

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